8 mins read


Written by

Jessica Kennedy

Studio Manager

Bartenders and Mixologists are often reluctant to disclose their absolute favourite drink, will often dance around the question, and quite possibly respond that they “would just prefer a beer”. However, there is an unspoken understanding amongst those in the industry, that the Negroni is often the bartender’s second favourite cocktail. And for very good reason too.

The Negroni is an absolute staple in cocktail culture. The drink originated in Italy, and it is known for its balance of strong, bitter, and sweet flavours. The history of the Negroni dates back to the early 20th century involving a certain Count Camillo Negroni.

According to the story, in the 1920s, Count Camillo Negroni frequented a bar in Florence, Italy, called Caffè Casoni. The Count was a regular patron and enjoyed the Americano cocktail; made with Campari, sweet vermouth, and club soda. However, one such day he requested something stronger, and the bartender, Fosco Scarselli, obliged by replacing the club soda with gin.

This modified version of the Americano became a new favourite for the Count, with him eventually bestowing his name onto the drink and declaring that this be known as “the Negroni”. The cocktail gained popularity in Florence and eventually spread beyond Italy, becoming a classic cocktail with a dedicated following.

Bartenders and Mixologists are often reluctant to disclose their absolute favourite drink, will often dance around the question, and quite possibly respond that they “would just prefer a beer”. However, there is an unspoken understanding amongst those in the industry, that the Negroni is often the bartender’s second favourite cocktail. And for very good reason too.

The Negroni is an absolute staple in cocktail culture. The drink originated in Italy, and it is known for its balance of strong, bitter, and sweet flavours. The history of the Negroni dates back to the early 20th century involving a certain Count Camillo Negroni.

According to the story, in the 1920s, Count Camillo Negroni frequented a bar in Florence, Italy, called Caffè Casoni. The Count was a regular patron and enjoyed the Americano cocktail; made with Campari, sweet vermouth, and club soda. However, one such day he requested something stronger, and the bartender, Fosco Scarselli, obliged by replacing the club soda with gin.

This modified version of the Americano became a new favourite for the Count, with him eventually bestowing his name onto the drink and declaring that this be known as “the Negroni”. The cocktail gained popularity in Florence and eventually spread beyond Italy, becoming a classic cocktail with a dedicated following.

"Sophistication Meets Simplicity"

The Negroni comprises of equal parts gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth. The gin provides a strong and aromatic base, with its floral botanical notes coating your tongue. While the Campari adds bitterness and complexity to the drink. The sweet vermouth serves to balance the drink with its rich and sweeter taste, creating a cocktail that is both refreshing and sophisticated.

Since it's invention over 100 years ago in Florence, Italy, the Negroni has become more than just a cocktail; it has developed its own culture and legacy. Negroni Week, a global charity initiative, celebrates the cocktail by partnering with bartenders and restaurants to raise funds for various charitable causes.

The Negroni's legacy is also evident in the influence it has had on the cocktail industry. Its popularity has sparked a renewed interest in classic cocktails and has inspired bartenders to create innovative and balanced drinks, often riffing on classic recipes.

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What you'll need:

25ml Gin

25ml Campari

25ml Sweet Vermouth

Orange Peel to Garnish


Firstly, fill a both your mixing and serving glasses with ice, before setting your serving glass to one side to chill.

Then, for your peel garnish, peel the skin of an orange vertically once, until you have a nice sized peel about an inch thick. Make sure to remove any white piff remaining on the inside of the skin.

Incorporate your Gin, Campari, and Sweet Vermouth into the mixing glass, and stir well until chilled. You should aim to be stirring for between 15-20 seconds to achieve correct dilution.

Once stirred, strain out any excess water from your serving glass, and ensure it is chilled, before using a julep strainer to strain your cocktail into the serving glass.

Once the cocktail is strained, grab your peel and express the orange oils over the drink by gently folding, but not pressing, the peel on top of the drink.

Once you have expressed the oils from the orange into the drink, place it in the glass and give your cocktail one final stir to ensure it is fully mixed.

Enjoy your Negroni responsibly.

Tasting Notes: Bitter, Robust, Sweet